Krems-Gneixendorf Kriegsgefangenenlager STALAG XVII B

The prisoners of Stalag XVII B (Gneixendorf) were evacuated.
At least those who could still walk. Since your grandfather survived, he was probably in this run.

Please translate/read in details here:
Besitzer einer zu Kriegsende von einem US-Kriegsgefangenen im Raum Braunau entwendeten Kette gesucht

"Daghen" could als be "Hafen" or "Hagen" most probably the location, from where your grandfather (as DP) was sent by Allied forces at home.

I have a book by a French prisoner (and I talked with him) how colleagues were transported to Paris via Odessa.
He was transported first to Hungary, then to Germany and final to Paris.
So most probably it will be hard to find out your location name.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
The prisoners of Stalag XVII B (Gneixendorf) were evacuated.
At least those who could still walk. Since your grandfather survived, he was probably in this run.
Yes, I know. And have some testimony from another IMI grandson that have the forced march to the Weilhart forest.
But these prisoner are liberated by americans.
I have instead a french liberation document:

Ja, ich weiß. Und haben Sie einige Zeugenaussagen von einem anderen IMI-Enkel, der den Zwangsmarsch in den Weilhart-Wald hinter sich hat.
Aber diese Gefangenen werden von Amerikanern befreit.
Ich habe stattdessen ein französisches Befreiungsdokument:

french.JPG Anhang anzeigen 99225

Sò this make me think that if this document is in frech, he must be liberated by french and then repatriated (from Innsbruck it's easy to go to Bolzano)
Das lässt mich denken, dass, wenn dieses Dokument in Französisch ist, er von Französisch befreit und dann repatriiert werden muss (von Innsbruck aus ist es einfach, nach Bozen zu gehen).

So most probably it will be hard to find out your location name.
Yes, of course. But never hurts to try :)
Ja, sicher. Aber ausprobieren schadet nie :)
Sorry for double post, but forum system detect always my message as spam and can't post it
Entschuldigung für den Doppelpost, aber das Forensystem erkennt meine Nachricht immer als Spam und kann sie nicht posten
Final I found a website: Here
Try to downlad: DPL Osterreich2.xls
There are a lot of camps - but I could not find any similar wording to your "Dandedaghen"
Maybe one of the contact person of the website is still alive:
Daghen seems to be also a word in french (corsica) or even italian (lombardia)
Good luck!
Final I found a website: Here
Try to downlad: DPL Osterreich2.xls
There are a lot of camps - but I could not find any similar wording to your "Dandedaghen"
Maybe one of the contact person of the website is still alive:
Daghen seems to be also a word in french (corsica) or even italian (lombardia)
Good luck!
I know this site but never contacted...I've sent an email just now.
Thank you!
Bongiorno Giovanni,

I just found the thread about Carlo Alfarano here and your search for traces of his "Arbeitskommando" (forced labour party).

Stalag XVII B served as a "workforce pool" for the benefit of both companies and private farms in large parts of today's Austria. POWs and Italian IMIs were dispatched in large numbers across the country in different "Arbeitskommandos". The size of the various "Arbeitskommandos" was quite different and depended much on the assigned duties. The Stalag administration did play a central role in coordinating the supply for forced labour. As far as I know each "Arbeitskommando" got a number code. However, in course of the disbandment of Stalag XVII B most documents that might help us today to connect the various "Arbeitskommandos" to specific locations were destroyed or lost. Thats is the reason why we lack any scientific structural analysis of Stalag Arbeitskommandos until today. I would not be surprised if some records were captured on site by the Red Army, but searching these documents in Russian archives would take much effort and cost.
Additionally, without a very specific location or a name of an "Arbeitskommando" any search effort is quite difficult, like the "needle in the haystack".

About the fact that the French authorities organised the repatriation of Italian IMIs: US and British forces were the first to repatriate their liberated POWs. The French followed and obviously took responsibility to help other nationals too, as most countries like Italy were lacking the necessary means of transport and logistics to bring home their citizens immediately after German surrender. Thats why DP camps were established in many European countries.

You may try also Arolsen Archive (the former International Tracing Service). They are currently redesigning their website with improved search facilities for names. Link: NS-Opfer im Online-Archiv suchen - Arolsen Archives You will find some results for "Carlo Alfarano", but the date of birth does not match. Pls. try again the next couple of weeks.

Good luck for your further research
Etrich Taube
Good luck for your further research
Etrich Taube
Thank you Etrich for info.

I've just contacted Arolsen Arichive some month ago without success :(.

And personally research in site but no result (only the one you have find too)

In this days, an idea come to me: can "Landedaghen" be the crippling for "Lande lager"

Translating with google "Lande lager" litteraly the result is "land camp"...maybe a farm!

the words "Lande lager" make sense in deutch to indicate a farm or similar?
Hi Giovanni,
I am afraid I cannot help you any further. Some guys here in the thread know the region quite well, but the search string does not fit 1:1 to any specific place. And even if you succeed in finding the location, you have to be really lucky if any document relating to this special locations has survived.
You may try veterans' organisations in Italy, maybe you are able to identify persons that were held in custody together with Carlo Alfarano to collect further traces. I'm sure you've checked for the existence of postcards, letters or a diary. In case Carlo Alfarano applied for a pension in Italy, he might have indicated his time of capitivity. As a relative you should be able to get access to pension documents.
Keep on searching.
Tante buone cose!
Vergessenes NS-Lager in Krems
Ein Forschungsprojekt, unterstützt und gefördert vom Land Niederösterreich zum Thema Zeitgeschichte, weist einen Kremsbezug auf: Das Kriegsgefangenenlager STALAG 17B auf dem Areal des heutigen Flugplatzes Krems-Gneixendorf war eines der größten Kriegsgefangenenlager des Deutschen Reiches und das größte auf österreichischem Boden.

Quelle: Vergessenes NS-Lager in Krems

Suche nach vergessenen NS-Lagern

Suche nach vergessenen NS-Lagern


Evakuierungsmarsch im April 1945 vom Lager Gneixendorf nach Westen in ein Waldlager im Weilhartsforst

Ein kurzer Textauszug vom Juli 2000 aus Kriegsgefangenenlager Krems-Gneixendorf - Stalag XVII B :
Dazu eine Korrektur zum vor 22 Jahren verfassten Bericht: Das Waldlager im Weilhartsforst lag nicht nördlich sondern im Südwesten von Braunau am Inn.

In der Topothek von Hochburg-Ach fand ich ein Foto eines Gedenksteines für die dort kurzfristig bis zur Befreiung lagernden Kriegsgefangenen:
Gedenkstein - leider ist die Beschriftung unlesbar...

Begleittext zu Foto in Topothek Hochburg-Ach
Quelle: Topothek Hochburg Ach: Unsere Geschichte, unser Online-Archiv

GE - Übersicht
In diesem Teilprojekt des Forschungsprojektes "NS-Volksgemeinschaft und Lager" beschäftigen wir uns mit NS-Zwangslagern im Bezirk Krems (Lager für Kriegsgefangene, zivile Zwangsarbeiter*innen). Da es in diesem Forum viel Wissen dazu gibt, wie ich in verschiedenen threads schon lesen konnte, würde ich mich über Beteiligung an unseren Citizen Scientist-Workshops freuen (der nächste findet am 23.2., 18 Uhr an der Universität für Weiterbildung Krems, Seminarraum 2.4 statt) oder dementsprechende Hinweise. Auch die Kollegen, die zu den Bezirken St. Pölten, Tulln, Melk u. Lilienfeld arbeiten, freuen sich über Beteiligung (siehe https://ns-lager-niederö
wer kann den Absender identifizieren? iIch kann den Namen lesen und, dass es das Stalag in Gneixendorf war. Aber was steht vor „Stalag“ und was dahinter?
Danke für Eure Hilfe
Harry IMG_0273.jpeg


was steht vor „Stalag“ und was dahinter?
Kgf. Stalag Gr. Verw ? -> Kriegsgefangenen (Lager) Stalag Gruppe Verwaltung ???

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Ja, er war sicher kein Kriegsgefangener, sondern der Freund meines Grossvaters.. Er hat den Brief an meinen Grossvater im Jänner 1940 geschickt.
Kriegsgefangenen Straflager Gruppe Verwaltung könnte stimmen, danke!